database connection
How do I delete a db connection? Not the table or queries – but the connection itself? -
We are adding a UI for this in an upcoming release. In the meantime, you will need to remove this by deleting the appropriate records in the database.
Thank you.
This is why I want to know. A connection that used to work, no longer does. The connection tests successfully – but it does not return any tables and queries built on it now fail.
Thank you.
How do I delete a db connection? Not the table or queries – but the connection itself?
Also from the entity_folder table.database_data has an extension_id field, this is the extension_id of that folder in the entity_folder table. You will need to delete both the record from entity_folder and from database_data where extension_id = your extension id.
Thank you.
Someone changed the permission level (in SQL) of the account being used. The account did not have read/write access to the database.
It works great.Thanks.
Howdy, Stranger!
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