Disable Email Distribution
[font=Calibri, sans-serif]Is there a way to disable the Email Distribution option that displays when you click the print icon for a report? As per HIPAA privacy requirements, the data on the reports cannot be emailed.[/font]
There are at least two ways to prevent users from sending data from reports through an email. One is to hide the Header bar for the report viewer itself, making the form with the email distribution option inaccessible, and the other is to modify the system default flow that is called to send the data. If it is necessary to be able to download and print a report, you will want to go with the second of these methods.
For the first option:
[ul][li]Edit the page and select the report viewer component[/li][li]In its properties, look for a checkbox with the text Hide Header under View[/li][li]Change the checkboxs selection to True[/li][/ul]
For the second option:
[ul][li]Navigate to System > Designers > System Defaults > Send Report (flow)[/li][li]Open Send Report in the Flow Designer and make a Checkpoint to preserve the original setup of the flow[/li][li]Connect the Start step to the End step[/li][/ul]Note: This does not remove the option from the print report dialog, but the email will never be created or sent. Since this flow takes Report ID as an input, you can run a rule to only allow emailing of specific reports instead of disabling report email distribution from every report if necessary.
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