Question about stacked bar charts

Question about stacked bar charts


  • Hi, I was curious if theres a way to change the display values on a stacked bar chart?

  • Unknown
    edited November 2023

    Hey Frank,

    As far as [b]Stacked Bar Charts [/b]go, there are a few options you have in terms of the [b]Values[/b], these can be found under the [b]CHART SETTINGS [/b]category of the charts [b]Properties [/b]tab.

    [ul][li]Disabling the default [b]Show Element Labels [/b]will hide the [b]Values [/b]on the [b]Bars [/b]themselves. [/li][li]The [b]Sorting [/b]options allow you to change how the [b]Chart [/b]is sorted, this includes the option to sort by the [b]Value [/b]in [b]Ascending [/b]or [b]Descending [/b]order. [/li][/ul]
    Additionally, the [b]Set Minimum [/b]and [b]Maximum Value [/b]options can be used to control which bars appear on the Chart but this more directly affects the Bar itself and less the value associated with it.

    Hope this helps you out!

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