Question about pausing flows
Hello, I was wondering if there any way to create a pause/wait state for a flow besides a pause flow step? Im trying to pause a flow for a few seconds between api calls to allow for a loop to complete. thank you
[i]edited by frankgrimes on 11/30/2021[/i] -
Hey Frank,
There is actually a step that sounds like it would fit your needs perfectly. This step is called [b]Delay Next Step[/b], it can be found under the [b]FLOW MANAGEMENT[/b] category of the [b]Toolbox[/b]/[b]Steps [/b]tab.
Configuring it super simple; from the steps [b]Properties [/b]under [b][SETTINGS][/b],[b] [/b]you just need to provide a number under the [b]NumberOfSeconds [/b]Input. This input determines how long the [b]Flow [/b]pauses before proceeding to the next step.
Hope this helps, have a good day!
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