Setting up Multiple RabbitMQ connections
Hi Support,
Can I configure Decisions to connect to multiple Rabbit MQ servers on different IP addresses? If so how would i do this?
Thanks in advance.
Hi Lee
You define connections to Rabbit servers at the queue level. Each queue definition created in Decisions contains the Rabbit server that the queue is on. Simply define multiple queues, each with the Rabbit information needed to contact the required queue.
[url=] [/url]You will find documentation regarding installing modules here:
[url=] [/url]Please be aware, you will need to restart your service after installing the RabbitMQ module, or the service will error out. This can be done by right clicking on System on the left side navigation bar.
To allow for multiple servers on different IP addresses, when you setup a Rabbit queue under System>Jobs and Events> Message Queues, there is the option to toggle off the default server allowing you to input the IP of your choosing.
You should be able to toggle this option for the relevant queues and select the appropriate IP.
If you have any further questions, please let me know.
[i]edited by on 12/20/2019[/i]
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