How to get current date without time
I want to get current date without time because the data I am getting is depending on the date and time. Sample is I created a data yesterday at 3PM. My dashboard will display the data from previous 1 day. But if the time today is 3:30PM, it will not get the data created yesterday at 3PM. I want the data to get all record at date yesterday.
When using the step get date without time, the date is being converted into string and even if I use a converter from string to date, the dashboard is ending in error. See below message of the error
Hi Ezra!
What are you using to display this data? I see you mentioned this is being shown on a Dashboard, is this on a report? A tile? This is likely a quick fix as long as we know where to make the changes.
Additionally, we have a free daily Lunch and Learn Q&A from 12:00pm - 1:00pm EDT where we often often answer questions like these! If thats something you would be interested in you can sign up here:
You are also welcome to submit a support ticket by emailing [i][/i] with your questions. This would allow us to take a deeper look into your specific issue.
Hope this helps!
Howdy, Stranger!
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