Tab Editor Help
Hello All,
On a form, I am having trouble modifying the tabbing for some of the fields. Also, I would like to enable tabbing for other fields, such as a label. Currently, the only method I’m aware of to modify tabbing is under the Tab Editor. Is there another way for me to modify the tabbing for my form?
Hello Samuel,
If there are issues with the Tab Editor Panel, there is another method we can use to modify the tabbing. When a component on the form is selected, on the “Properties” Panel there is a section called “Size and Tabs”. Expanding this section allows us to enable or disable tabbing for this component. Below is a screenshot of the “Size and Tabs” menu, with respect tabbing enabled.
If it is enabled, we can then specify the tab index. Enabling "Respect Tabbing" allows you to edit the components tab order, and changes to the Tab Index will also be shown on the Tab Editor Panel.
[i]edited by on 1/14/2020[/i]
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