Help with Data Repeater

Help with Data Repeater


  • [font=Roboto, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Im creating a data repeater and I cant work out why my data is not available to the form. I have an array of a custom data type that is an input for the form but it isnt available as Form Data in the Data Repeater. Does anyone have some pointers?[/font]

  • [font=Roboto, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Normal Data Repeaters are limited to a single type of data as an input, and only items of the Data Repeaters declared type will appear as Form Data in the repeater. The Repeaters data name should appear as an input for your form in a flow. Ensure that your custom data type has been set as the type of the Data Repeater, and it will appear as Form Data for the rest of your form.[/font]

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