Assignment Problems
In our flow design, a work item is auto-assigned to an account group initially based on the process data evaluation dynamically. Later if that item is delegated to an individual account, I was expecting 3 things naturally happen within Decisions but they are not happening:
[li]The work item should be [i]removed[/i] from the shared queue (i.e., account group queue should remove that item) and the work item should be at the selected individual [u]only[/u]. Literally no one can see that item other than the selected account.[/li][li]During the delegation, the selected account [b][u]must[/u][/b] be a part of the original assigned account group where the work item was initially assigned to. In other words, when we look up the users for assignment, if the selected user is NOT a part of the original account group, then that user can’t be selected for the assignment. So technically, only folks in the original account group should be eligible for delegation.[/li][li]Also, the work item assignment should always be a single entity only (i.e., either assigned to Account Group or 1 Account only [b][u]not[/u][/b] more).[/li][/ol]
Currently, A, B, and C are not supported – it seems wide open – the work item can be assigned to many account groups and many accounts which is breaking the basic cardinal rules for us. -
[font=Roboto, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Are you referring to what happens within Decisions by default when a user makes use of the Change Assignment action? Decisions has steps for handling individual assignments for both single accounts and entire groups. In your step toolbox under Integration > Internal Services > Assignment, you can find the steps Remove Assignment for Group, Add Assignment for Group, Remove Assignment for User, Add Assignment for User, and many more useful steps for Assignment handling. [b]You can hide the default Change Assignment user action with an Action Visibility Rule and then create an alternate action to take its place by creating an Assignment Configuration Extension[/b]. You can then design your new custom user action to comply with any logic you may find necessary through the use of rules and the aforementioned steps.[/font]
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