Change Inbox Header Color Styling

Change Inbox Header Color Styling


  • Hi,

    If you wish to change the color of all headers for all reports from the default blue. This can be done in the theme editor. Further details are found here:

    However, if you are looking to specifically change the header of only the Inbox report, this would require you to rebuild the inbox and create a custom report with its own CSS and then right-clicking the current inbox and hiding this from the platform. If you wish to retain the assignment count, a folder count flow would need to be added.

    This would then involve utilizing a custom CSS file on a report viewer querying the same report source Assignment Inbox.

    Further details are found here of applying CSS to a page:

    And further documentation on building a page:

  • Unknown
    edited November 2023

    Dear DECISIONS Forum,

    Is there a way to change the color styling of the INBOX header? We would like to change the default color blue.

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