Print File Option?
[font=Roboto, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Hello. One of our user groups would like to know whether a Print option is available for PDF files generated in a workflow. I see no search results (keyword "print") in the workflow designer steps that would indicate this feature. If there is no feature, please advise and indicate why there is not an option. The users keep asking for this, and Id like to provide an official, definitive answer from Decisions. Are there options other than sending it as an email attachment or saving to NAS, then download/open the file and print?[/font]
Hi there. The print button on the Document Viewer form component brings up Chromes print dialog. You could create a User Action flow with a form having a Document Viewer with any document your users might need to have printed out as an input. [url=]More on User Actions[/url]
Howdy, Stranger!
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