Difference between Forms and Simple Forms

Difference between Forms and Simple Forms


  • What is the difference between a form and a simple form? In what situations would I use one over the other?

  • Forms and Simple Forms can perform the [i]majority [/i]of the same tasks but with some exceptions.

    This is due to Simple Forms using a more limited designer (the Simple Form Designer) which only supports a select amount of available components. For this reason, certain functions may not be supported in a Simple Form. However, the Simple Form Designer provides users less familiar with the regular Form Designer an easier time creating Forms with the greater focus on a sleeker UI in addition to removing the more niche-case components.

    If thinking about using a Simple Form over a regular Form, I would suggest considering the functions of the Form and then refer to our[url=https://documentation.decisions.com/docs/about-simple-forms] About Simple Form[/url] article for a glossary of supported components. Otherwise, I would stick with the regular Form.

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