What does the Format Text step do?
Hello, I was curious if anyone could tell me what the format text step does and I use it.
Do I pass in a regex in the object input to format the text a certain way?
Hi Frank,
The [b]Format Text [/b]step is actually used to format a String that implements Microsofts [b]String.Format[/b] formatting. The specified Input Object that the step asks for is actually the value that will be inserted into the [b]Format String[/b].
Heres a link to a document from Microsoft on String. Format
[url=https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/api/system.string.format?view=net-5.0#Starting]https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/api/system.string.format?view=net-5.0#Starting[/url]Also, we have an entire document that explains this is a bit more in detail
[i]edited by andrew.brassington@decisions.com on 11/18/2021[/i]
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