Question about installation order
Question about installation order
Hi, I was curious if there is any specific sequential order that is followed when Decisions is being installed?
Sort of like:
- start installer download installer - start applications, etc...
[i]edited by frankgrimes on 11/18/2021[/i]
- start installer download
Hello Frank,
There is an order to the installation process. However, its a bit too long to post as a response.
The information you are looking for can be found by opening the progress.txt file that is located on the Local File System in either the:[ul][li][b]C:/Program Files/Decisions/Decisions Server[/b] for [b]Version 7[/b] installations[/li][li][b]C:/Program Files/Decisions/Decisions Services Manager [/b]for [b]Version 6[/b] installations
Check out the screenshot for reference if needed.Hope that helps!
[i]edited by on 11/18/2021[/i]
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