cant find a step
I see a step as SelectiveUpdateDefinedEntityStep in an existing decisions flow but cannot find from where this step comes. Can you please help locating it under Steps
The Selective Update is unique for each user defined data structure. You can find this step at User Defined Types → type of data structure → your data structure. Please refer below screenshot.
[i]edited by on 11/17/2021[/i] -
thankyou for this! Could you also help telling the use of this Selective Update Step. I see the options as Inputs, Data in the properties.. but could not understand the functionality/use of this step much.
thankyou for this! Could you also help telling the use of this Selective Update Step. I see the options as Inputs, Data in the properties.. but could not understand the functionality/use of this step much.
The Selective Update step is used to update specific fields for a record in your structure.
The id field in inputs section is used to identify which record to update. The fields in the data section are the custom fields users define for their structure. You will pass values in this section for the fields you want to update.
Please refer for more information on CRUD actions.
Howdy, Stranger!
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