Edit data step for Flow Execution Extensions
[font=Calibri, sans-serif]Hi,[/font] [font=Calibri, sans-serif]I would like to create a “View/Edit Form” user action off of a Flow Execution Extension data structure? Is this not possible?[/font]
When I am building the flow for the user action I see the Edit step available for one of my simple data structure but I don’t see Edit option for Flow Execution Extension data structure.
To view, edit, and save data from flow execution extensions via form as a User Action, go to the entitys Configuration Folder. At the bottom left, click User Actions>Create User Action and create a flow. This flow will automatically gather a folders extension data to be accessible within the user action flow. Drag a Show Form step into this new flow, and select or create a new form to edit the fields from your object. For the forms inputs, you can select them from "Flow Extension Data" in the data explorer. Set your forms output mappings to Change Value, and map them into the relevant fields in your flow extension data. Next, navigate to User Defined Types>Flow Data Extensions> (Your Datatype) >Save in the step toolbox and drag this step into your flow. Map your flow extension data into the save step. Save and exit your new user action flow, and this user action will be available from folders and reports. I hope this helps.
Howdy, Stranger!
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