Data Grid in Approval Form

Data Grid in Approval Form


  • I have a form that i am using as a review form from a Task for a user. It is a copy of the original submission form. On the form there is a Data Grid and an Attachments section. When i attempt to show the form for Review, if i have the Grid on the form the task just blinks and does not open. Is there a way to show the items in the Grid, custom data list, in the review form?

  • Hello Christopher,

    Weve opened up a support ticket on your behalf because we think this issue would be better handled that way. You should have received an email with the ticket information and some a request for some information. If you have not received an email, please message me and let me know.



  • Work around here was to unselect the Allow Null section for all items in my data structure that used a Value List as the data type. This fixed the issue.
    [i]edited by christopher_salas on 12/17/2019[/i]

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