Data Grid in Approval Form
I have a form that i am using as a review form from a Task for a user. It is a copy of the original submission form. On the form there is a Data Grid and an Attachments section. When i attempt to show the form for Review, if i have the Grid on the form the task just blinks and does not open. Is there a way to show the items in the Grid, custom data list, in the review form?
Hello Christopher,
Weve opened up a support ticket on your behalf because we think this issue would be better handled that way. You should have received an email with the ticket information and some a request for some information. If you have not received an email, please message me and let me know.
Work around here was to unselect the Allow Null section for all items in my data structure that used a Value List as the data type. This fixed the issue.
[i]edited by christopher_salas on 12/17/2019[/i]
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