Create New Project?
We are trying to figure out how to create a project in Decisions. I have looked at Documentation, but it mentioned a Designer Repository server which we do not have a license for. Can anyone help with this?
If you do not have a Repository, you are able to create a project under Import/Export actions. Right click a designer entity you wish to be a part of this new project, navigate to [i]Import/Export > Add To Project[/i].
[img]att1[/img]The following window should pop up. Input a project name and click [i]Continue[/i].
[img]att2[/img]This screen gives you the option to only add the single folder or the folder and its content to the new project. [i]Change Project [/i]button will take you back to previous screen.
[img]att3[/img]Here is a confirmation screen to show all items added to project.Close this window.
[img]att4[/img]Refresh page to see that you have added the item to the new project
[i]edited by on 12/11/2019[/i]
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