Unit Tester and Email Results

Unit Tester and Email Results


  • Here is a project that you can import that allows you to select different projects and run the associated unit tests for them. The dashboard itself is located by default in [b]Unit Test Management Proj/Dashboards/Unit Test Management.[/b]
    The highlighted portions below reference the different actions you can take and I will detail whats necessary in order for this to be a valid tool to for your unit testing needs!


    In the picture above, as mentioned, we have a few different actions starting with:

    [b]Update Projects Included In Unit Test Execution: [/b]
    This is a form that grabs all your projects in the local Decisions database. This is a simple multi-select drop down component allowing you to select however many projects you desire. Upon clicking submit, you will see them populate on the below report with two columns; [i]Project Name [/i]and [i]Accounts to Notify. [/i][i]


    [b]Edit Notification Data:[/b]
    Now that youve selected the project you want to run unit tests on, we need to select which accounts will receive the results.


    Clicking this will allow you to choose, in a similar fashion as the project selection, which users will receive the results via email.

    [b]Run All Unit Tests:[/b]
    The final piece of the puzzle! Clicking this will run the selected unit tests and send them out as indicated above.

    [b]IMPORTANT NOTES: [/b]
    It should be noted that there are a few things that will allow this tool to work properly.
    [ul][li]The designer folder containing the desired flows MUST be associated with a project. [/li][li]You will need an evaluation rule associated with the unit test. If it is not present OR it is completely blank, the results will not be fruitful. [/li][/ul]
    [b]If youd like to make this a scheduled flow, [/b]youll need to create a scheduled flow (documentation [url=https://documentation.decisions.com/docs/running-a-flow-on-a-schedule]here[/url]) and target the main logic flow of this whole project, "[b]Unit Test Execution Project[/b]". Running this flow is what gets your selected projects and use
    [i]edited by Scott@decisions.com on 8/20/2020[/i]

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