Logout User after certain inactivity or Tab close
Is there a way to log the user out after a defined period of inactivity? Can we log them out if they close all the Decisions tabs?
[i]edited by Jibbin Mathew on 12/2/2019[/i] -
We can log the user after a defined period of inactivity using the Auto Lock Screen setting. This can be found at Settings → Portal Settings.
We use cookies to manage the Logged-in User Sessions in the Browser. Unless the user selects "Remember Me" on the Login Page, these cookies (browser session cookies) are cleared out by the browser when you close it and logs the user out.
When you close the Tabs (browser still open), they are not cleared out. This is managed by the Browser and not something we can control.
[i]edited by kshitij@decisions.com on 12/2/2019[/i]
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