Exporting a database
[color=#141414]Hi there, is there a way to export the project with the database and information still available? With the Dependences set and project setting and to export, it does not seem to export my the contents within my Process folder, my job schedule setting are not being exported, also my folder with the page are not being exported. Is there a better way to export a project so that there will be a minimum setting for the application to work? Also when we export the projects with dependencies. Does it also export the flows and data structures in other designer folders which we might have overlooked to export? [/color]
Hi Leo,
I have two answers for you. Unfortunately during an export, it would only take the actual process folder, NOT the contents of it, as these are stored in the database. This leads to the second answer that is no way to export an entire database INSIDE Decisions. You can, however, use a database management software to create a backup of a database, and point the new Decisions install at that database. This way once that project is imported, the table references to it will still be correct. I hope this answers your question!
-Ryan S.
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