Confirmation Dialog
I want to display a Confirmation Dialog when the user clicks a Button. How can I do that?
We can display a confirmation message on the click of a Button by checking the Needs Confirmation property available under the Behaviour properties of the Button. This would allow you to define a custom Confirmation Message, as well as the Yes or No text.
Can this confirmation form be customized (size, background, font, etc...)?
[quote=Osman Mustafa]HelloWe can display a confirmation message on the click of a Button by checking the Needs Confirmation property available under the Behaviour properties of the Button. This would allow you to define a custom Confirmation Message, as well as the Yes or No text.
[/quote] -
Hi Patrick,
Yes, you can customize the confirmation form using CSS by creating a class for the form and save it in the default CSS Folder.
Note: the changes will reflect over all the confirmation forms wherever the property is enabled.
Howdy, Stranger!
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