Access SFTP folder using SSH keys
In my project I have create a file with data from a flow and post this file on a sftp folder.
Note that I want to use SSH keys for authorization.
According with [url=]Upload File with SFTP/FTP - SFTP/FTP ([/url] documentation, Yes! we can post files on FTP/SFTP using either user / psw Or SSH keys authentication.
To use SSH keys first step is to create them, here I am stuck because I do not know where to create them, on my machine? On Decision platform? I assume on Decision platform , but here I do not know where to create them.
Second, once the keys are created, do I need admin privileges to finish all settings on Decision side?Thanks
John Balta -
Hi John,
Ive created a ticket to further discuss using SSH keys for auth using SFTP steps. Heres the ticket number, [T-042082] Access SFTP folder using SSH keys.
Howdy, Stranger!
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