Creating a shareable link to a flow
Hello support,
I have a flow that i need multiple guest users to access, Is there a feature that alows me to create a shareable static link to initiate this flow?
Thanks in advance.
Hello Lee,
This can be done by calling a flow as a rest service via integrations, shown in the documentation below.
Enter the desired flow that you wish to make available (If this flow is an async-flow then encase this within another flow). Select Settings>Service Settings and enable "Allow REST API Calls." This is set to true by default.
Select integration from the top navigation bar or exit and right click (Run>Integration>View Integration Details) allowing access to the REST integration:
a) If you plan to call this flow as a REST service API to GET or POST data, youll want to Run As a Service and configure the options as needed. Lastly, select Show Service APIs to generate these REST calls.
b) If you have forms in this flow (or would like to use this flow as a link to initiate a process), then youll want to Run As UI/Form and configure the other settings as needed. When you Generate UI code, it will create a URL based on these settings that will be ready for use. Note that this URL is reusable, so you do not need to generate a new link each time you need to send the same flow to someone. For both of these options, you can set credentials to Guest (details below).
Please refer to the attached images below, demonstrating an example of a typical setup. The sections highlighted in yellow are preferences described above.
For further details regarding the Integration Details page see: [url=][/url]
Instructions on enabling a guest account that will allow for the above integration access can be found here: [url=][/url]
If you have any issues or additional questions let me know.
I hope this helps!
Tim Wilde
[i]edited by on 11/21/2019[/i]
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