Query for Cross Connections
I was wondering if we can create a query SQL script from a certain connection and cross reference via SQL Alias to another connection DB for joining tables to view other table data elements? If so, how would we write out the SQL statement within the Query Editor so it will be compatible. Example: Connections: LOCAL CONNECTION (Investigators) , SQL_MyAppied (TeamMembers) I want to select on teammemberID via Inner Join between the 2 tables on different connections.
Joining two database tables can be done, but only when databases are on the same server. The only difference here is that you must fully specify table names.
The syntax for this query would look something like this:
[color=#3300ff]select[/color] *
[color=#3300ff]from[/color] LOCAL.dbo.Investigators c
[color=#3300ff]join[/color] SQL_MyAppied.dbo.TeamMembers m [color=#3300ff]on[/color] c.teammemberID = m.teammemberIDHope this helps!
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