Reports in different Timezones
I’ve noticed that on my reports, all of the DateTime values that are generated by Decisions, such as the Created On/ Modified Date fields, will show up in my server’s time zone, which is PST. Is there a setting that we can change that would let these fields appear in our timezone(EST)?
[img][/img] -
Hi Sam,
We can enable timezone translation on the server that is hosting Decisions. This will let users see reports, tasks and other dateTime values in their timezone, instead of using the server’s.
To enable timezone translation:
[ul][li]The server machine’s timezone must be set to UTC(Coordinated Universal Time)
[/li][li]Enable “UseTimeZoneTranslation” field.
To enable UseTimeZoneTranslation, there are two methods we can use, editing the Settings.xml file, or through using the installer. More details can be found here:
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