Best Practices For Upgrading Decisions
I was wondering if there were any common actions that should be taken as a best practice upgrading Decisions. Also curious if we should update on every version change and theres a way to tell which flows may be affected by an update.
[b]- Upgrading best practices[/b]
+ We recommend that users take a backup of the target database to preserve all data as it was prior to the upgrade in case of unexpected occurrences. Additionally, when upgrading across multiple servers, it is recommended to upgrade the server with the least user activity first to avoid inhibiting end-users should any installation errors or anything unexpected occur that may be solvable prior to the upgrade of more critical environments.[b]- Should we update every on version change/ How often should we upgrade?[/b]
+ It is recommended to stay as up to date as possible with either the current GA or Innovation branch. This ensures that your installed version has all the most recent hotfixes and features available.[b]- How do we account for version changes that may affect flows?[/b]
+ There are sometimes features that may be changed or removed between new versions. Affected features will be displayed in the release notes for a particular version which can be reviewed using the link below. The following page is accessible at any time by selecting the Release Notes option located in the upper lefthand corner of our Documentation site as shown in the image below. Additionally, any flows affected with breaking issues prior to the upgrade will be listed in the System Validations dashboard located under [b]System>Administration>System Tools> System Validation[/b] in the Decisions Studio Portal.Version 6 Release Notes: [url=][/url]
Version 5 Release Notes: [url=][/url] -
Hi all,
Id like to add that if you need to re-test/re-validate projects after an upgrade to a new version, it may better serve your organization to upgrade your Dev/QA server(s) first. You can validate your projects quickly and easily in the new version through [url=]Unit Testing[/url], and then upgrading your production server(s).
Howdy, Stranger!
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