Disabling Users Accounts
[font=Calibri, sans-serif]Is there a way to temporarily disable users from logging in for a time period without stopping services?[/font]
Yes, there is a way to disable user accounts by configuring a flow to disable one or many accounts. Attachment is here for reference.
Youll need the following components
[b]Fetch entities: [/b]having type name set to Account[DecisionsFramework]
and adding a [b]Fetch Criteria: [/b]set to the emailAddress that you want to remain active[b]ForEach Step: [/b]Mapping the fetch entity output to the ForEach input.
[b]Mapping Step: [/b]Mapping the account item to the input of the mapping step, selecting Build Data, clicking the 3 dots (ellipses), and selecting the isActive property. Then set the isActive to "Constant" and make sure the box is unchecked(This is the part that disables the account)
[b]Save: [/b]Then map the forEach item to the save step. Run the flow and then the accounts will be disabled except for email address that was excluded by the fetch criteria.
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