How do I Clear Out Stalled Assignments From Inbox?
We have a bunch of test assignments that are just kind of stuck. There are a lot of them and Id rather not go and delete each item one by one. Is there a process built in that clear them all?
The best way to do this is to create a flow with a Delete Entities step. Youll want to configure the Entity Fetch Definition settings to look something like this screenshot:
Here are the steps to setting this up:
1) For Type Name, All/Search and type "Assignments".
2) Under Fetch Criteria click Add New and select "allAssignments" from the drop down list and leave Query Match Type as "Equals".
3) After doing step #2 a new field under Inputs should pop up with the name allAssignments. Set this to a Constant mapping type and input one of the following:
a. The email address of the user youre trying to clear the assignments for. b. The name of the group youre trying to clear the assignments for. In the attached screenshot this is "Administrators"
Running the flow after this will delete all of the assignments for the specified user or group. Note that you may need to restart the Service Host Manager after flow run for the changes to be made fully.
As a general rule we recommend you approach deleting mass amounts of data with caution.
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