Sorting setting not changing for grouped columns
I am not able to change the Data Field sorting setting. As I try to change it to none, it changes back to ascending or descending by itself before I click the save button. The data field I am sorting for is also configured to grouping.
If a data field is set to “grouping” , you cannot set the sorting to “none”.It will always be set to either “Ascending” or “Descending”. If you are trying to sort by a different data field and want to keep the grouping for the data field you don’t want to sort for, you can add a subgroup. For subgrouping, you can click the data field (within the report menu) you want to sort by and it will give you the option to add that data field as the “sub sort”. For reference, I created a report for products and attached the image below to display the sorting setting.
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