Checking SQL Credentials
Checking SQL Credentials
Hi all,
Im setting up a fresh Decisions instance on a new machine am getting an error indicating that Im not able to communicate with my SQL server. Is there a way I can verify my SQL authentication credentials are indeed valid? It would help pinpoint the issue, thank you.
Hi there,
There is a good way to test out if your credentials are valid and Ill detail the steps below:
- Open your File Explorer and ensure that you have "File name extensions" ticked in the View tab.
Navigate somewhere you can make and edit files, for example the desktop.
Create a new text document, for examples sake well call it as "new.txt".
Make sure its a blank txt document and rename the "new.txt" to "new.udl". Click yes to confirm it will change its file type.
- Open this file and enter
- Server name (paste the server youd like to verify.
- Specify username and password
- Select the database via the dropdown.
- This will verify if your credentials are good or if theyre invalid.
[i]edited by on 10/30/2019[/i]
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