Versioning: are imports backward compatible?
Quick question for anyone who knows,
During the upgrade process, we will have our dev environment upgraded to the newest version of decisions and our sandbox environment in a previous until we complete our upgrade of all environments.
Is it possible that workflows or decisions entities developed in the most recent version can be exported back into the previous version without any problem?[font=Roboto, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif] [/font]
[i]edited by CryptoKat1776 on 10/21/2019[/i] -
Exporting from an earlier environment to a later environment should not be a problem, but exporting from a later or more recent version to a legacy version may cause issues. Due to the nature of our development process, each version is built off of the prior one, so there are some changes that are not backwards compatible. There is a lot of value in staying up to date with our upgrades, to experience all of our bug fixes and new features. If you have any questions, please reach out and let us know.
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