How to add a record to the dataStructure/Entity
How to add a record to the dataStructure/Entity
Does anyone know how you would go about adding records to a newly created Entity or Data Structure. I know I can add them in SQL but I want to do it directly from decisions.
Hello, There are a couple of ways actually!
[ul][li]From the Add > [MyFolderEntity] action[/li][li]Running a flow with a Create step for the user defined type [/li][li]From steps in the Entity Framework (Integration/Entity Framework) steps category (Save Entities, Batch Insert Entities)[/li][li]From the Import/Export Data action category. This action menu is found by right clicking the data type definition stored in the designer folder where you defined the data type. [/li][/ul]Hope this helps!
Howdy, Stranger!
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