Fetch Data Faster for Dashboard
[color=#141414]I have a dashboard that shows number of requests per state (i.e: submission, reviewed, approved, rejected). [/color]Currently, I use a Fetch All step to fetch all data of the Flow Data Extensions then I use Rule Collection Filter Step to filter ProcessState. It works fine but performance is not good since loading time is quite long even there are few records. I think Fetch All step will get all record then it caused slow performance. I tried to use Fetch Entities but there is no option to set criteria for Process State.Is there any faster solution for my case?
A sample project is attached.
Using a Fetch Entities step, along with a Collection Filter step will help with a faster fetch. A rule is used inside the Filter Flow to either include or exclude data from the filtered list. You can pass in only the process state rather the entire extension data into the Collection Filter Step. This should help speed up the process when displaying those tiles. When setting up the Fetch Entities step ensure that the faster step is checked like in the screenshot below:
[i]edited by cameron@decisions.com on 10/11/2019[/i]
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