Filter Report by Current User

Filter Report by Current User


  • Hi, I’m having an issue. I want this report to show tickets that are assigned to a user specific user. Say I have an employee that logs in and goes to a report of assignments. I only want them to see their tickets on their Dashboard. When I try to use a filter in the report, I don’t see a way to filter by the current user logged in. Is there a way to filter this?

  • Hi, I would suggest using a converter flow in the rule filter. I’ll be assuming you want to use the “current user email” as a way to filter who the assigned are. First, we will need to go into our report and find the second column at the top of our designer called “Filters. We will add a new filter by clicking Add and choosing Rule Filter from the search screen. In the Properties Panel on the right of the screen, click on the Ellipses next to Rule, under the Filter Rule Tab.


    Here, we can create a new rule. Choose Create under the bar and give the rule a name. Setup the Input data so that our rule will take the account as an input. Select our created input as our Data Element for the rule. Next, choose “Is” as our verb. For our final input, we will need to select Converter Flow. This will allow us to pull information on the current user that the rule engine would not be able to pull from the designer.


    Choose Run Converter. Click create and give the converter flow a name. You will be brought to a flow designer screen. Connect the start and end step. Click on Output and click Show Editor in the Properties panel. We will need this flow to output the CurrenAccount, so create a data type in the output step (make sure it’s a string type). When you create that, choose Select From Flow on the created input. Go to Flow Data and pick Current User Email. In a flow, the system is able to detect the current user and email address.


    Save and close the converter flow designer. Finally, we will need to update the Rule Input. Click on Update Inputs (above LOAD FROM XML/JSON). The screen should display our input for the rule. Click on the pencil in the box, next to our input. Here, we can choose which field in the report will be used as the input for the rule. Let’s assume an “assignee” column is in your report. Now our rule will compare the assignee to the current user. If they match, it will show in the report. If it doesn’t match, the assignment won’t be shown in the report.

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