Check boxes in data grid
I would like to know, if there is any way to insert check box in the data grid. I created a data grid which shows database values. I have to replace a boolean value(1 or 0) to check box checked/unchecked based on the values.
I have attached a screenshot here with. I would like to implement check boxes for the "ACTIVE" columns, instead of 1 or 0.
Ruby -
Unfortunately, there is no way to insert a check box into a data grid. Given that the column type is boolean, the columns will either show values (0 and 1) or (true and false). However if you are looking to input a checkbox, I recommend using a data repeater to accomplish this. A data repeater is very similar to a data grid in that it displays database values, but a repeater will allow you to be more versatile with how you display this data. Click this link for more information on how to [url=]Create a Repeater Form Control[/url].
[i]edited by on 10/10/2019[/i]
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