Number Box Auto Populate
Hello, I am hoping to get some advice on a particular function for the Number Box Component.
We want to have the component show empty with no values populated. Im unable to get this to work by deselecting the Auto Populate checkbox in the component settings. Is there any other way to accomplish this functionality in a Number Box?
To allow the number box to output a blank or null value the "Allow Null Value" Check box needs to be checked. Once this is checked null values can be passed to the number box. [img]att1[/img]
[i]edited by on 10/10/2019[/i] -
So I gave the "Allow Null Value" checkbox a try and am still getting the same result. Picture of the component and its current settings below. Any advice on how to proceed?
[i]edited by MWard on 10/14/2019[/i]
[i]edited by MWard on 10/14/2019[/i]
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