Help with HL7 Module
I am trying to test the HL7 module, but I need help setting up the File Receiver.
Please refer to our documentation on [url=]Setting Up Receivers and Emitters[/url] for information on how to set it up.
Be sure to setup a folder on your local C: drive and input the full local path into the Folder to monitor textbox; this will serve as your directory for HL7 messages.
Thank you!
How would I access the directory and add messages to that directory? -
To add HL7 messages to a directory you will need to use the Create Text File step. Set data to constant with the HL7 Message and set file Name to Merge Plain Text, here you want to use the following format: full directory pathfileName.txt.
[img]att3[/img]If you want a more dynamic way of doing this you, I have attached an example (1 flow and form) that will allow you to upload a text file (that holds HL7 message) and save that file to a directory.
[i]edited by on 10/11/2019[/i]
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