IP Address Filtering
[color=#141414]Does the IP address filtering affect the entire server or just the relevant tenant of that server? [/color]If it is just the tenant on the server, do we simply set a valid IP address against an account and then account is granted access? Then by default all other accounts are automatically blocked?
[color=#141414]Thanks[/color] -
I went ahead and tested to be sure on my own setup here, and if you are referring to the "Allowed IP Addresses" field located in accounts, it applies to the whole server, not just the tenants. Ill link the documentation to that below.
One thing to note is you can also do the same thing in the Settings.XML file. There is a field in there called "AllowedIPAddresses". You can configure it similarly to this:
where is the allowed IP. You could also use the field right beneath it, DeniedIPAddresses, to BLOCK an IP from access. The syntax is the exact same. Please note you can list a single IP, multiple IPs separated by commas, or a range of IPs separated by a pipe |Hope this helps!
-Ryan S.
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