Load Balancer error
[font=Nunito, Roboto, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Im getting the following error: Designer Studio cannot be used in a cluster unless you have a proper load balanced configuration or you have Direct Studio URLs in settings.xml[/font]
[font=Nunito, Roboto, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]
[font=Nunito, Roboto, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]What do you recommend I do to fix this?[/font] -
Depending on what youre using for your load balancing (either Azure or AWS) you need to check the documentation to configure "sticky sessions".
For AWS look at: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/elasticloadbalancing/latest/application/sticky-sessions.html#application-based-stickiness
For Azure:
https://cloudopszone.com/configure-azure-load-balancer-for-sticky-sessions/ -
I have some write this you can see this.
The error message you are encountering suggests that there is an issue with the configuration of Designer Studio in a clustered environment. To fix this error, you have two recommended options:
[li]Implement Proper Load Balancing:
[ul][li]In a clustered environment, load balancing is crucial to distribute the incoming requests evenly among the cluster nodes.[/li][li]Set up a load balancer that can distribute requests to each node in the cluster, ensuring that the Designer Studio requests are balanced and not overloaded on a specific node.[/li][li]Configuring load balancing will depend on the specific [url=https://www.paymydoctor.ltd/]PayMyDoctor Login[/url] technologies and infrastructure you are using. Consult the documentation of your server or application container for guidance on setting up load balancing.[/li][/ul][/li][li]Use Direct Studio URLs:
[ul][li]If setting up load balancing is not feasible for your environment, you can use Direct Studio URLs to bypass the need for load balancing.[/li][li]In the settings.xml configuration file of Designer Studio, add the Direct Studio URLs to specify the URLs of individual nodes directly. This will allow users to access Designer Studio without going through a load balancer.[/li][/ul][/li]
[i]edited by Daniel56 on 7/26/2023[/i]
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