My Apps Blank
When I load in to Decisions and click on My Apps it just shows a blank screen here. Where/How do I make this show up?
You may not have the default Apps and Templates set up. If you look at System > Settings > App Store Settings you should have an entity called Decisions Apps and Templates. If you see it there, you can confirm if the settings match the screenshot provided or right click and edit the settings to match the screenshot Ive provided.
[img]att1[/img]If this does not show up, the apps list will be blank. In order to get the standard Decisions apps you can install youll need to right click on the App Store Settings and click Add App Store Settings
Once you are in the Add window you can use the following settings:
[b]App Store Name:[/b] Decisions Apps and Templates
[b]Named Session Key:[/b] NS-dc6611c9-9d3b-11e6-80b8-00155d0a2d06This should populate the list and allow you to install the apps from My Apps
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