How to Change Label Colors and Backgrounds in V7?
I’m trying to figure out how to change the color of the text and background on a label in version 7. Can someone help me with this? I can’t seem to find it.
Changing label colors/fonts/backgrounds on forms is very similar to the process used in Version 6.
As for the label text, click the label on the form, and navigate to the [b]Properties[/b] panel on the right. Open up the [b]View[/b] tab. There will be a small checkbox labeled [i]Use Form Font[/i]. By default, this will be checked, meaning that any labels used on the form will use one singular font/color/style. Uncheck this box, and the [i]Label Attributes[/i] options will appear underneath to customize the label. Clicking the pencil icon will open all the options for the label, excluding the background.
The background follows a similar process, but needs an added bit. Backgrounds themselves are not bound to form components such as labels and buttons, theyre bound onto Grids. When opening up a new default form, clicking on an empty space in the form will select the containing grid and give you its [b]Properties[/b] options on the right. Click the [b]View[/b] tab again, and the final selection box will be for [i]Background Type[/i]. By default, its transparent, but selecting Color will give the option to select the background color for that specific grid. Alternatively, you can also add an image as a background.
If your goal is to exclusively have the label with a differing background, add a new grid into the form within the dimensions you want your label, then place the label within it!
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