Sample Data Showing in an Unrelated Flow
I have a very old flow that was created well over 2 years ago. It was never completed and eventually left for dead. I’m working on cleaning out all of our old flows but this one scares me a bit. It has a ton of Sample Data related to it that I know was never created for that flow. The flow itself was simple, simply fetching a bit of information from a database, yet the Sample Data included has things from all other parts of our project, things that the flow would never have touched. I’m trying to figure out how all those Sample Data items could have been related to this old flow… What am I missing here? Is it safe to delete?
Unlike Unit Tests, Sample Data is not bound to a specific flow, theyre saved in Decisions can be implemented across multiple flows even without a user defining them to do so. More information can be found on our Documentation page regarding this:
As for your specific question, the flow should be safe for deletion. The Sample Data is simply there for availability, and doesnt signal any issues such as other flows being dependent on this one.
I hope this helps!
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