Deleting old datatype steps
I recently upgraded from version 4 to version 5. In the Steps tab of the Flow Designer under User Defined Types, steps that existed in version 4 still appear under the datatype. Is there any way to get rid of these old steps?
Yes, there is a way to delete those steps manually. Only Entities and Database Structures have steps in version 4 that are not in version 5. These should be the only data types you need to delete old steps for. The old steps are: Delete, Delete Object, Exists, Fetch All, Fetch By ID, Get Count, and Save. Use the following steps to delete old steps:
[ul][li]In Decisions Studio navigate to System > Designers > Catalog > User Defined Types
[/li][li]Choose a datatype to view all steps
[/li][li]Delete each old step one by one[/li][/ul]Open Flow Designer to ensure the steps were deleted.
[i]edited by on 10/1/2019[/i] -
Heres how to do so automatically by running a flow:
Attached is the flow that will (once ran) delete these old data type step. It fetches only the Entity and Database Structures data types as only these data structures are affected as a result of upgrading Decisions. For each old data type, the steps within those folders are deleted.
If deleted old steps are used within a flow, they will remain in the flow and continue to work as intended.
Howdy, Stranger!
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