reminder notification for the Guest user
I created an assignment flow where a decision’s internal user to fill out a form and send this form to a person as an assignment. So, the person that is a Guest user should fill out his own part on the form and can see the internal user’s inputs as well. Also, I need a reminder to remind assignment to the person that is Guest account.
To send the assignment to the Guest user I am using “AssignToGuest” assignment type but as you know this type does not have the reminder notification.
I was looking to [url=]Email Tasking / Email Assignments - Flows - Decisions Forum[/url] question on the forum that is helpful but here the assignment type is “Assigned”
Can you give me an idea how to build a reminder notification for the Guest user?
John Balta -
Hi John!
Attached is a link to our Documentation page that goes over an example of sending an assignment to a guest via email.
I hope this helps!
Howdy, Stranger!
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