Custom Identifier at User/Account Object Level

Custom Identifier at User/Account Object Level


  • Hi Decision Team,

    I have a generic question regarding Decisions and I hope you should be able to help.

    In need to design a Partner Portal in Decisions where a Partner should be able login into Decisions and based upon the Partner they should only see their own data.

    As an example let’s say I have:

    Partner A = 5 Plans

    Partner B = 4 Plans

    I want that when Partner A logs into Decisions they should only see their own 5 plans and not the plans from the Partner B.

    Maybe it is doable if I can store partner identifier (partner_a) in Decisions User/Account object. Each time a new partner user account is created I should be able to assign the partner type identifier (partner_x). After Partner successfully logs into Decisions I should be able to read the partner identifier value in any form/report/flow. If I can get that the partner_a is logged in then I can make an API call to pull all plans which belong to partner_a. Moreover, I hope it should also be possible to create multiple Decisions users with the same identifier like (partner A1, partner A2, partner A3 all have partner_type = partner A). When partner A1, A2 or A3 logs in I should be able to get their partner identifier which is Partner A so that all these 3 users should be able to see all the Partner A plans (and not partner B plans).

  • Hello Peanut,

    Ive attached an example of how to accomplish this with a Report Data Source Flow.

    In this example, I am running a master report and for each row, determining if an account has permission to view it. In this case, its an all or nothing setup, but you could leverage this by adding a hidden column to the master report with allowed groups or allowed accounts and checking the current user account against them.

    The rows get added to a list of a Flow Structure built specifically for the report.

    Then we can use this flow as a data source in subsequent reports.

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