Decisions Logs
My decisions flow is being called by an external application. I just want to ensure that the external app has successfully called Decisions API and execution of Decisions flow has completed.
Where could I find the details in Decisions (audit log or logging etc.) for each flow which runs upon calling the Decisions API by an external app?
We are having multiple flows and Decisions APIs of these flows is called by the external app. So, here it would really help in debugging the issue where the flow does not work.
Note - Decisions is installed at our customers end and we dont have access to logs which are on Decisions Server (C:Program FilesDecisionsDecisions Services Manager). is this the only way where we can get logs?
If Decisions is installed on Customers end and you do not have access to the Logs folder. You can access the log details by navigating to System -> Administration -> System Tools -> Logging in the left side Folder Tree of your Decisions portal.
Here is our documentation link for viewing and configuring server and client logs :
1. [url=][/url]
2. [url=][/url]Thank you.
I have already tried this logging option but there I didnt find the details for each flow/each instance of the flow.
What I am looking for is, the logs where I can find the all the details of every execution of a flow (say input, output, step details etc).
For e.g.:- if a flow executed for 5 times then I am looking for the details ( the time when the flow has called, inputs taken by the flow, out of the step etc) of each of the five instances of the executed flow. -
I this scenario, you need to use the Log step at the beginning and end in your flow to track the Flow start time, Flow Input Flow output etc.
You can use the Mapping Type as TextMerge.Plain and add the Flow Data that you want to capture in the Merge Text editor and then you can view the log details in the System -> Administration -> System Tools -> Logging
Please see the attached screenshot.
You will get this step by navigating to All steps[Catalog]-> Flow Management -> Debugging -> Log in the Flow Designer.
Thank you.
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