Decisions Theme not changing
I am attempting to change the overall theme that is used by Decisions to a different pre packaged theme.
When I try to change this in System - Settings - Portal Settings, it asked to refresh my page to apply the new theme.
When I did this, I still have the same default blue theme. Am I missing something here?
Thanks for the question!
There are a couple of places that you can specify the theme for the portal and one of them may be overriding the default theme.
You can set the theme either on your account directly (by navigating as an administrator to System > Security and finding your user, Right-Click and say Edit).
You can also set the theme on a group using the same actions set above. Check these levels and see if somewhere else you have it set to use the default portal theme instead of the theme you are trying to show.
As a best practice, we recommend setting themes up per group. This helps to show different types of users a very specific view so that they know what they are capable of doing within the Decisions portal.
Hopefully this helps!
[url=]Decisions Documentation | Theme[/url]
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