Hosting a file in Decisions, download file by URL
[color=#141414]I am looking to see if there is any way we can host an image on decisions that we can use the URL of to call within a CSS class? Would this be possible? [/color]
[i]edited by on 9/20/2019[/i] -
Hi Leo,
Yes, Decisions can host a file so that a URL can be called which references the file.
This can either be done by adding a file reference (because FileReference type contains a data member called "FileURL"), or by adding a Document object to the portal and running the "Get Document URL" action from the context menu of the Document object (see attached image. See here for how to add documents to the portal).
Ive attached an export that demonstrates acquiring a URL from file references. In the example, you can either upload a file or specify a local file path, and the following form will display the generated URL.
This example simply utilizes one of two steps, either the "Load From File Data" or "Load From Path" steps.
"Load From File Data" takes an object of type FileData and outputs an object of type FileReference, which contains the "FileURL" data member.
"Load From Path" takes a Windows file path and outputs an object of type FileReference as well (Note: the file extension must be specified or an error will be thrown).
Howdy, Stranger!
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