Displaying a clickable link on a pdf file
Hi all,
I currently have a flow that converts html to pdf and Im trying to have the PDF display a hyperlink with HTML.
How am I able to go about adding this hyper-link?
Thank in advance!
[i]edited by Brendan@decisions.com on 9/20/2019[/i] -
Hi there,
NOTE: Due to the nature of our forum, to use these tags, just remove the quotes around the letter a.
If youre using the HTML to PDF step, youll need to utilize the HTML tags:
<"a"> <"/a">
These turn a string into a clickable link.
For example, if you want "http://www.google.com/" to be clickable, youll need to surround it like so:
<"a"> http://www.google.com/ <"/a">
You can also have a specific string display differently from the hyperlink url. For example, if I want a link to http://www.google.com/ to be displayed as click me:
<"a" href="http://www.google.com/"> Click me <"/a">
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